Category Archives: Movement

Leonard Peltier Writes on the Denial of his Parole

"I Am Barack Obama's Political Prisoner Now" - Leonard Peltier

Petition: Support Parole for the MOVE 9

FREE THE MOVE 9! Please visit:

Eddie Africa Denied Parole!

MOVE 9 Prisoner Eddie Africa was denied of parole...

Help Free The MOVE 9

Ona move to everyone reading this letter to key organizers around the issue of the MOVE 9 and their upcoming parole hearings in April. Much is needed right now in

Leonard Peltier Assaulted!

Sisters and brothers: In order to file a complaint in the prison system, you need an ID # for the prisoner.  Leonard’s number is:   9637-132.  If you scroll down to the end of

Action Needed for Jamil Al-Amin

The number that has been provided to protest the placing of the Imam Jamil Abdullah Al Amin (the former H. Rap Brown) in “the hole” is the general prison number.  Insofar

Statement from Leonard Peltier

Message from Leonard Peltier A hero’s welcome Published Feb 4, 2009 3:25 PM Following are excerpts from a Jan. 31 statement by imprisoned Native leader Leonard Peltier on his return

Statement from Venezuelan Assembly Rep on Mumia

Statement read by Braulio Alvarez, long time farmer activist, now  member of the Venezuelan Assembly (equivalent to Parliament or Congress) to the December 6th International Day of Solidarity to Free Mumia